Focus Groups and Interviews

Focus Groups and Interviews

Focus Group Consultant

Focus Group Facilitator

We specialize in B2B style Focus Group Consulting and Facilitation. Focus group interviews, workshops and research are often critical to understanding what your customers are truly thinking. As a specialty focus group consultant, The Planning Group has conducted more than 1000 customer interviews and the associated focus groups for clients in every sector. We have helped prominent national associations deliver deeper value to gain new members and we have helped major manufacturers test new product concepts before they made capital investments. Through experience in the field, The Planning Group has developed a polished and proven focus group methodology for one off customer check-ins and a proprietary cascading interview and focus group methodology that tests key assumptions throughout the development of your critical strategy.

  • Do you wish you could just ask your customers, prospects or members if they will value your new product, service or business model before you make major investments?
  • Is your next major strategy riding on critical assumptions that must be tested?
  • Do your new offerings always take longer to gain market acceptance than you planned?
  • Is success of your strategy contingent on taking customers from competitors?
  • Are you concerned about pricing your next big thing either too high or too low?
  • Would you like to test the merit of a new concept before you develop it further?
  • Do you want to gain customer and market insight and keep your involvement confidential?


We love to talk to our clients’ customers and we have a knack for gaining real and valuable insight to support your critical decisions and investments. Ask us about our proven process that spans from defining assumptions right through to aiding you with your biggest decisions. We have many examples of how we have helped, and occasionally prevented, our clients go to market strategies…and satisfied clients that would be happy to speak with you.

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